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"Revolutions of a City"

Bike Taxi Tour

"Movements of a City"

Walking Tour

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Relax while we take you on a ride to 24
famous places along Wellington's waterfront with our unique bike taxi tour. We'll explore Wellington as a city of revolutions and movement...


Join us for a 90-minute waterfront walk, visiting over 18 locations, to understand Wellington as a city of physical and metaphysical movement...

Schedule: Three days a week
Times: 1pm, 3pm, 5pm
Cost: $59.95


Schedule: Three days a week
Times: 11am, 7pm
Cost: $29.95


Steel Pony: verb


1. A pimped out tricycle ride which turns history into an experience.

Our Mission:

To honour the originals,
who gave Wellington
its character. 


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Why Steel Pony?

I love creating experiences that make people feel inspired and excited. I do this across a range of creative projects, and now with this historical waterfront tour of the city I love: Wellington.
I wanted to give you the very best information on Wellington's history, so I spent two years with a team of friends unearthing the most fascinating stories. We scanned books, newspapers, and microfiches at the National and Turnbull libraries to discover all of the small yet important details that make stories come to life. Having read over 500 books about Wellington, we are confident that this tour is full of treasures that you will love.

To get a real sense of how things were ‘back then’, I chose the use of e-ink screens to present real photographs of the places and people spoken about. You can compare how it was then and now as you stand in the very same spot.
I've lived in Wellington for most of my life, and when I began this project I was amazed at how much I didn't know about the people and events that were the genesis of Wellington's quirky, smart, and creative personality. If you leave the tour with a little more respect and love for this great city and the incredible people who have shaped it,  then I've done my job.



Meet Our Team


Chris is a native Wellingtonian with Cook Island heritage.  Chris spends his days playing cricket and being a Steel Pony guide. His interests
include whaling and the characters of Wellington.

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Steve has been a proud Wellington ambassador since 2010 after he hosted the Wellington Calling  show for Kiwi Fm. After working as a journalist, Steve now teaches guitar, creates music, guides tours and is the founding director of Steel Pony.


Steel Pony was only made possible by the incredible public library resources available in Wellington. To all the amazing librarians at the Turnbull, National, and Central Library, thanks! Your patience with our many requests for newspaper clippings, manuscripts, and rare books was greatly appreciated.​ Some of the biggest assistance came from pals Nick Archer and Chris Parr who scanned hundreds (thousands?) of pages in search of tiny nuggets of information. The banter, laughs, product reviews, and feedback all made the journey from vision to reality easier - you guys are the best!​ Other special mentions: Auntie Lil, Nathan, Phil, Louise for the script feedback, Liz, Archives NZ, Jannah, Te Papa staff, Morgan & Eli for Steel Pony mods upgrades (and of course the steel Pony head), ‘The Fixers’ for the many audio modifications used in the tour, Anna from the Wellington City Council, Gavin from the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, Wellington Heritage week organisers, and the Mount Victoria Historical Society. Finally, thanks to all of you who have taken the tour and given it a go. Ultimately though, my greatest appreciation goes to the people whose lives make up the content of the tour. Your originality and vision birthed a bold regionalism, which refused to accept limitations and redefined what was possible.

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